Educators & Schools

Educators & Schools

Benefitting Our Educators and Schools

To improve the quality of education for our students, we must start with supporting our teachers. The Manatee Education Foundation strives to be a support unit for teachers. We recently awarded $100,000 in classroom grants to teachers.

Manatee Education Foundation has joined with local corporations to improve learning opportunities for teachers as well as students and we have gathered the support of the local community to donate items to the Teachers Wishing Well.

Below is a list of events and opportunities including links to forms, instructions and additional information:

Teacher Impact Grants

MEF Teacher Impact Grants

The 2024-2025 grant applications are now available.

Applications are due by: September 30, 2024

Presented by Manatee Education Foundation

Manatee Education Foundation strives to improve the quality of education for our students. The first step often involves providing support for our teachers and their classrooms. We have recently awarded over $100,000 through our Teacher Impact Grants. MEF teams-up with local businesses, organizations and individuals to fund this popular program and make the Teacher Impact Grants possible. Thanks to our community for all of the support and generous contributions that make this program a success.

Click the link below to access our new grant application platform. You can create your login credentials the first time you use the link. Be sure to save your new credentials to login on future visits.

MEF Partner in Payroll

Partner in Payroll Program

100% of your contribution supports MEF programs including the Teacher Impact Grants.

Presented by Manatee Education Foundation


Please consider becoming a Partner in Payroll Today!  A huge thank you to all of our Partners for your continued support of teachers and the Manatee Education Foundation! If you are interested in becoming a Partner in Payroll contributor, please complete the form below and send it to the MEF today!

Important:  Save the form to your computer before filling out the data fields. Then open the form with Acrobat or Acrobat Reader to complete, print and save for your records. Submit to MEF as directed at the bottom of the form. Click the form title below to access the PDF document:

—  MEF Partner in Payroll Deduction Contribution Form  —